Text Messaging in Church: 5 ways text messaging can improve engagement

Text messaging in the church has become as a key tool in helping churches stay connected with their people and to help their people engage.

A major reason text messaging in church is so beneficial is that it provides you with a direct one-to-one connection with every single person in your church, seven days a week.

Here are some reasons why SMS text messaging has become an extremely effective tool in the church

1. Text messages have extremely high open rates

95% of text messages are opened. That’s huge!

Need to send out an update about an event or a service? A text messaging tool like Engage Spot for Church makes it simple and easy to communicate to all people at your church. And with an open rate of 95%, you can be confident that a large percentage of will receive and open your text message.

2. Text messaging in the church allows churches to connect with their people 7 days a week

Churches that use text messaging to connect with their people throughout the week find it easier to keep people connected and engaged. Life is busy and everyone is on the move, so being able to stay connected means that people are more likely not to forget about special events.

3. Text messaging is a proven way to increase event attendance

Text message and events in your church go hand-in-hand. Research has shown that event attendance can increase by up to 30% when registrants or church subscribers are reminded or followed up with.

Using a platform like Engage Spot for Church makes creating events and sending messages to your registrants a completely seamless process.

4. Ministry is personal and text messaging is great for the one-on-one

We’ve talked about how text messaging in church can be great for sending out mass “broadcast” messages to all of your congregation, but it’s equally great at reaching individuals.

Whether it’s prayer requests, devotionals, or simply checking in on your people, text messaging makes staying connected on a personal level super accessible for churches of any size.

5. Text messaging is cost-effective and efficient

From a practical standpoint, text messaging in church is both time-saving and cost-effective. It minimizes the need for printed materials and extensive phone communications, thus saving resources and allowing church staff to concentrate on more pressing pastoral responsibilities.


Integrating text messaging in church is not just a matter of keeping up with technological trends; it’s about strengthening the fabric of the church community and making things more simple for your leadership teams and staff.

There are various text messaging tools out there, but churches have different needs that businesses so it’s important to find a tool that fills the needs of churches.

Engage Spot for Church was designed specifically for churches and was built by a team who serve in leadership at their local church. Get started for free today by signing up here!